

A customizable keyboard for mobile devices that enables users to input text in any language. To create your own custom keyboard, please visit the translationKeyboard website.


Google Play



translationKeyboard App - Privacy Policy

Effective Date: May 21, 2018

This statement lays out our policies and procedures surrounding the collection and handling of any information that identifies an individual user or that could be used to contact or locate him or her. (“Personally, Identifiable Information” or PII).

This Privacy Policy applies only to the translationKeyboard App. It does not apply to any third party site or service linked to the translationKeyboard App or recommended or referred by the translationKeyboard App, through the translationKeyboard App or services, or by our staff. And it does not apply to any other application, product, or service operated by our company, or to any of our offline activities.

A. PII We Collect

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes the collection of information that identifies an individual user of the translationKeyboard App in order to find, contact or locate him or her. We collect the following Personally Identifiable Information from users who download the translationKeyboard App: NONE

B. Amendment of This Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a new version of the translationKeyboard App with updates to Privacy Policy. The new Privacy Policy will become effective on the date of the new release.