unfoldingWord Bible

unfoldingWord Simplified Text (UST) – An open-licensed translation, intended to provide a ‘functional’ understanding of the Bible.

unfoldingWord Literal Text (ULT) – An open-licensed update of the ASV, intended to provide a ‘form-centric’ understanding of the Bible.

Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB) – An open-licensed update of the ASV, intended to provide a ‘form-centric’ understanding of the Bible.

Unlocked English Bible (UEB) – An open-licensed update of the ASV, in modern English.

Unlocked Dynamic Bible (UDB) – An open-licensed translation, intended to provide a ‘functional’ understanding of the Bible.

unfoldingWord Greek New Testament (UGNT) – An open-licensed, lexically tagged, morphologically parsed critical Greek New Testament with full apparatus.

unfoldingWord Hebrew Bible (UHB) – An open-licensed, lexically tagged, morphologically parsed Hebrew Old Testament.