
unfoldingWord is a collaborative project launched by Distant Shores Media in 2013. Find out how to join the network by contacting us.

Our vision is to see every people group with adequate biblical content, without restrictions, in every one of their languages.

Read more about the unfoldingWord project:

Read more about the unfoldingWord strategy:

Other links that may be useful:

  • All downloads – If you would like to download the complete archive of whitepapers, presentations, and forms, you can do so (and automatically receive all updates to the documents) with BitTorrent Sync.
  • Vision and Strategy (PDF) – Our “Vision and Strategy” document with current tactical objectives.
  • Forms – all forms available for download.
  • Glossary – a glossary of terms.
  • Versioning – an explanation of version numbers of translations.
  • IETF language tags – an explanation of the language identification system we use.
  • Free Translate License – the Free Translate International Public License
  • Copyright and the Kingdom – a visual overview of how restrictions on biblical content affect the global Church (and what to do about it).

Want to find out more? Contact us.

unfoldingWord is an implementation of the concept of unrestricted sharing of biblical content, as described in the book “The Christian Commons”.

Photo credits on homepage: Balint Földesi CC BY, Eugene Kim CC BY, Ville Miettinen CC BY